So you're going to champion sustainability in your workplace...

You've realised that small changes within your company will make a far bigger impact than you could ever have through simple switches at home…

Everywhere you look in the office you see ways the company could be more eco-friendly…

And you know the company's public image could benefit from this too…

So you've stepped up to be a Green Champion (because if not you, then who?!)

Thank you!

Earth needs spokespeople…

Now more than ever, our precious planet (and our future on it) needs people to speak up and take action.

The Earth should be a key stakeholder in every business decision.

But getting leaders, decision makers and consumers to buy-in to sustainability isn’t always easy.

As a professional who is passionate about tackling climate change, you need practical communications strategies you can use to get the support you need.

This weekly newsletter will give you that!

This newsletter is brought to you by ethical marketing strategist Sian Conway – one of the UK’s leading social entrepreneurs, a best selling author and an award-winning expert in communicating sustainability.

Every Friday you’ll get the latest news, opinion bites and strategies to help you create change!

Subscribe to Speak for Earth

Communications advice for professionals who care about cooling the planet


Just a girl standing in front of the internet, asking it to save the planet 🌱 Green & Eco Influencer of the Year 2018 and bestselling author